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#64a979 Color Analysis
rgb(100, 169, 121)
device-cmyk(41% 0% 28% 34%)
hsl(138, 29%, 53%)
hwb(138 39% 34%)
lch(63.7% 35.64 150.16)
cadetblue (Closest)
#64a979 Color Code
#64a979 in the RGB color model is composed of 100% red, 169% green, and 121% blue. In the CMYK model, it converts to 41% cyan, 0% magenta, 28% yellow, and 34% black. The HSL for this color is 138 degrees, with a saturation of 29% and a lightness of 53%. In the LAB color model, the values are L: 63.7, a: -30.91, b: 17.73.
hex | #64a979 |
rgb | 100, 169, 121, 1 |
hsl | 138, 29, 53, 1 |
hsv | 138, 41, 66, 1 |
cmyk | 41, 0, 28, 34, 1 |
hwb | 138, 39, 34, 1 |
lab | 63.7, -30.91, 17.73, 1 |
lch | 63.7, 35.64, 150.16, 1 |
xyz | 23.57, 32.44, 17.69, 1 |
Color Contrast Check
Check the color contrast between Background Color and Text Color to see if it meets WCAG standards.
Love is a serious mental disease.
- Plato
Love is a serious mental disease.
- Plato
Explore color variations including Tints, Shades, Tones, Grayscale, Saturation, and Hue.
Color Harmonies
Color harmonies (Harmony) in color theory refer to a balance and coordination of colors, which is about creating a visually pleasing and balanced effect by pairing different colors. This approach to color coordination is based on properties like hue, saturation, and brightness to ensure that various colors look harmonious and unified together.
Color Blindness Simulator
Color blindness (Blindness) simulation, helping designers and developers create more accessible products by simulating the visual effects of color blindness.
A condition where patients cannot see most colors correctly, significantly reducing color perception in their vision.
A condition where patients cannot see colors at all, only perceiving shades of black, white, and gray.
A form of red-green color blindness affecting the recognition of green.
A form of red-green color blindness where the patient cannot see green.
A form of red-green color blindness affecting the recognition of red.
A form of red-green color blindness where the patient cannot see red.
A less common type of color blindness affecting the recognition of blue and yellow.