Illuminance Unit Conversion

Enter the Illuminance value in the unit field, and the list below will immediately show the conversion results.


Lux (lx) MultipleChart

Logarithmic Scale

Illuminance Units Introduction

Lux (lx) represents the amount of light received per square meter, with 1 lux equal to 1 lumen (lm) per square meter. It is commonly used to describe indoor and outdoor lighting levels, such as the standard illumination for offices being around 300-500 lux.

fc (ft-cd) represents the amount of light received per square foot, with 1 foot-candle equal to 1 lumen (lm) per square foot. Commonly used in the United States, 1 foot-candle is approximately equal to 10.764 lux. It can be used to measure light intensity, such as the standard illumination for store display areas being around 50-100 foot-candles.